Got A Girl Crush On: loving yourself!




I graduated high school in May and just recently started loving my curves. I have a huge ass and I don’t mind anymore!

I’m really baffled by thing…

Got A Girl Crush On: loving yourself!





I graduated high school in May and just recently started loving my curves. I have a huge ass and I don’t mind anymore!

I’m really baffled by things like this. How can you look at this photo and think, I know.. I’ll post it to a tumblr for chubby girls? 

I am NOT a “skinny hater”, in fact I love girls of all sizes and I think this girl is very pretty.. and I realize this is a very “angle” driven photo but it makes me seriously fear for teenagers who have such distorted images of their bodies. 

I completely agree with this comment.  I can’t really see any curves on this girl.  And I don’t mean this to be offensive or anything, and I’m not one to judge other people’s images of their own bodies, but if you think you’re chubby you’re terribly mistaken, or just really good at taking photographs that don’t show it.


regardless of this girl’s shape or size, she obviously FEELS like a chubby girl, and is participating with other woman who love their shapes on a blog designed to do so.i myself tend to feel “chubby”, and there are people who would look at my body and tell me i’m not. isn’t body image all a state of mind? i find it more offensive that another woman would go out of her way to say “NO. NO YOU CAN’T FEEL SHITTY ABOUT YOUR BODY BECAUSE IT DOESN’T LOOK LIKE MY BODY, HOW DARE YOU RE-CLAIM YOUR SELF WORTH IN A PUBLIC FORUM!”

our society makes women feel shitty about how they look, and if this (YOUNG! JUST GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL) girl can come to terms with her body and all of its curves and shapes, then fuck you for saying she can’t do that. obviously issues surrounding young people and body dysmorphic disorder come to mind, but is shaming her for trying to celebrate herself the forward-thinking, self-loving way to do it?

someone will always be skinnier, chubbier, prettier, have better boobs, nicer eyes, a bigger butt.. better whatever, whomever you are.

perspective is relative, and exclusive negative body image talk is just pathetic.

Meg WachterComment