Every month our resident bruja, Sonia Ortiz, picks a tarot deck out of her collection and pulls 12 cards from that correlate to each sign of the zodiac. This is #crushascope for June 2017.


This is a month of paying attention and taking chances. Are you putting yourself out there enough? This is a great month to get in tune with your psychic abilities. Your instincts are operating at a higher level so if something doesn’t feel right to you stay away! To that same effect, if you are feeling brave, go ahead and take a risk! Whether or not get you get what it is you wanted you will yield positive results. You are supposed to switch things up a little. If taking big steps isn’t for you perhaps tweak or hair or wardrobe. You will receive positive attention.    


You will want to go inward this month more so than usual. You will find yourself re-evaluating all your relationships. Are you working too hard for someone who is not in the least bit grateful? Spinning your wheels much? Perhaps taking a vacation from those who are not treating you right will help rejuvenate you. Also pay attention to your actions when feeling sad. Do not retreat to unhealthy foods or other bad habits. These could be coping mechanisms to help you deal with other’s bs. You are the most caring sign in the zodiac. Nurture yourself how you nurture others. The real people who care will show up for you.  


You are faced with the truth and then you are faced with the truth. In a world of alternative facts, you have to ask yourself if you are a Kellyanne Conway or if you are a Van Jones. People may come to you for advice but do not mince words Leo. This month is about tough love and the kind of advice others may need to hear! You are a noble sign and uphold to valor and truth more than the other signs of the zodiac. This month is also about being honest with yourself. If you are involved with a project or person who is not suiting you, just cut things off gently. Remember that honesty is great but respect is too.  


If you can dream it be it. This is a great time to start putting your plan into action. You have a goal in mind and have been planning for so long on how to make it come true. Like my advice for Gemini, it is time for you to be a little more brave and take a risk. If ritual work is not your thing, perhaps your plan needs a plan. How are you going to get help and get people interested? The waxing moon between June 1st -8th will help you put your plan into action. The next new moon won’t be until the 24th, that is when you can be brave and set your intention. In the meantime, take an inventory and seek out like minded people who can be your allies and help you make your dreams come true.


June may prove to be a real balancing act for you. Make sure you have self care in the forefront. You have a more than crazy schedule this month and will be able to fly through your commitments seamlessly. However, make sure you take a break in between engagements. You do not want to get sick. This month will definitely give you insight on what to prioritize. Perhaps asking for help or getting an intern to assist you will be just thing you need.    


Channel your inner boss this month. You will have to step out of your comfort zone to get what you want this month. Do not shy away from speaking up or standing up for yourself. Get inspired by reading about women, and you can do that right now or after you read this column by simply checking out any of the amazing posts on this blog or magazine. Take inspiration from the strong women in your life or perhaps a notable woman you can relate to. It is time to step things up and command respect. This will allow you to lead by example in the future.


Your accomplishments this month will successful. However, you tend to be your own worst critic. Definitely take some time to have some gratitude. Remember not to compare yourself to your peers! You are an extraordinary sign and always so happy-go-lucky. Do not let little mistakes bring you down. Instead, remember that practice makes perfect and the things you do will happen at your own pace. Sometimes things aren’t about speed, they are about legacies. Be kind to yourself and do not give up.


June offers a well earned reward for the hard work you have put off. You are unstoppable this month and will be able to achieve just more than your goals for the month. Extra cash will also come in for you which will help you save for a goal or perhaps a vacation. You will also offer positivity to those around you so do not be surprised if your social circle expands or if you are invited to more than the usual outings. You will keep a cool head this month and will not go to crazy with the partying. You will be too busy benefitting from your good karma and will want that energy to be used to its best potential.    


It is time to move forward. This is great timing for your career. If it doesn’t feel that way, be patient, things will favor you this month. You will be advancing in your career or perhaps a new opportunity will present itself altogether that will help you out more than ever before. You are in a transition so there may be growing pains and bumps in the road. I cannot stress enough how much patience will play a role in your life this month. Timing is on your side, just keep your cool.  


Expect help and advice to come from an unexpected source this month. You do not want to look like you are stressed or struggling but you aren’t fooling anyone. Accept sincere offers of assistance. This will help inspire you to not only get things done but start new projects that will reflect your creativity. You are stuck in the day to day and need an out. Mix things up and do not be too prideful. Listen to people more and take the useful parts of what they have to offer. Thank them for time and move forward. Vulnerability is not a weakness. When you show your deepest parts, that is when you will hit a creative spark and start something new and wonderful.


You may need to walk away from drama this month. Good news is that you have other amazing situations waiting for you. Once you let gossip, fear, and insecurity go, you will let go of the people who are also ruled by those things. Negative people in your life represent deadweight. If someone is causing you way too much stress or hurting you, let them go. You have uncharted territory of happiness waiting for you if you give it a chance. Remember that when one door closes, another door opens.


Your guides will be very active this month. You will be getting a lot of signs from the outside in regards to a decision you have to make. If you need clarity on how to proceed with a situation, put it out there to get an answer and it will appear out nowhere. This month is going to restore your faith or make you believer in whatever your notion of God or Source Energy might be. Perhaps you may want to also pick up a pendulum or learn tarot as well. Either way, the truth is out there and you will be wondering if it is more than just a coincidence.  

Gemini’s artwork was brought to you by artist Mary Blount. June’s #crushascope was conjured up using The Afro-Brazilian Tarot.

About Sonia Ana Ortiz:
Sonia Ortiz is American made with Cuban parts. She has been reading tarot for 23 years. She is a licensed Reiki Practitioner, Bruja, and Graphic Designer. She is the mother of #guapacat and #badgirlfrifri. You can follow her across social media  @soniaotarot. You can also book a session with her by visiting