Every month our resident bruja, Sonia, picks a tarot deck out of her collection and picks 12 cards from that correlate to each sign of the zodiac. This is #crushascope for December 2016.    

December’s #crushascope was conjured up using the Tarot of Mermaids.

This month’s artwork was photographed by artist and Sonia’s dear friend Ellen Stagg
The model featured in the photo is burlesque performer Gal Friday.

Something to note: Mercury, the planet of communication goes retrograde from December 19 - January 8. This is a great time to complete projects. Things from your past may show up and it is just an opportunity to close the book on that. Many astrologers freak out during this time because communication goes awry and things tend to break. People are cautioned to not start a new endeavor. I think it is a personal preference. Use Mercury retrograde to work for you by breaking bad habits, purging your space of unwanted things, and finishing up things you keep putting off.


December will prove to be the effect to your cause. Whatever it is you have been putting out there you will reap the results. If this is something you can learn from do not ignore it or place blame elsewhere. You may have a heavy heart but you should look inward this month to see where you can improve and be your best happy-go-lucky self. Do not beat yourself up if things aren’t going to plan. This is a month to collect data from your personal relationships and learn to be a better person.


Honesty is your best policy Capricorn. If something is on your mind speak up. You will need to nudge others to start a conversation in order to have a breakthrough. A lot of these communication issues are in part because of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde on December 19. Do not get discouraged if you find that what you trying to say gets miscommunicated.        


You will be an extra good friend to those who need it this month. Your social circle may experience a shift as you will also want to surround yourself with like minded folks. Beware you don’t surround yourself in a bubble. Despite the retrograde at the end of the month you will be able to negotiate your way into anything. Your magnetism will be felt by all and you will be quite popular because of it.    


December will be quite romantic for you. If you are paired off you will want to take the next step and really get serious with your partner. If you are single, you will want to get into the dating pool and will be looking for someone to declare your undying love to. This is also a great time to develop a physical practice and set small goals. You want to build something but do not go overboard trying to achieve it all at once. Be patient and work quietly.


Brush up on your skills by learning from the best. Seek out teachers this month to help you excel in your craft. The key here is that you should be watching and learning before you step out and make moves this month. As the observer, you will be able to make a better plan and move forward with what works. Make a list of those best practices, you will need them as you will want to start a new creative project that may take a lot of effort on your part to complete.   


You may want to set up some boundaries as you are on the tail end of what feels like a never-ending project. Communicate to others that your alone time is much needed and necessary. In the event you think you need an energy boost, definitely look into getting a cool piece of obsidian or tourmaline and keep it in your home, work space, or wear some as jewelry too. Let this guy be your spirit animal for the rest of the year and guide you towards bliss.


Lay down the law Twinsies and do it before that retrograde in Capricorn comes to bite you in the ass. You want to have fun most of the time, but December will test you by by giving you the option to take the reigns and not abuse your power. You may be called upon to do more than what you are used to. You may also be called upon to be a diplomat and help resolve arguments. Do not be afraid to set some rules with colleagues, family, and friends if you feel they are bossing you around too much.


You win some, you lose some. You may have been aloof to something or someone who has been in front of you the whole time. Things may come to light this month. So whatever, whoever it is that you have been sad about is something you can get over rather quickly. Pay attention, be present, and say yes more often to opportunity coming your way. You will continue to put yourself out there and let new experiences shape you.


You are cashing in this month but don’t spend it all in one place. You may be tempted be more celebratory than usual but save your earnings for something nice after the party is over. New or recent relationships will  get more serious for you. You will also start to map out your goals for 2017. Pay attention to your dreams or vocal cues you may hear. A light bulb will go off and send you in the right direction.


You will find yourself in a confrontational mood this December. You are unstoppable. This is a good way to present yourself to your peers and colleagues but re-think that force of nature energy when it comes to your family. You may want to tone that burst of energy down as you may come across judgy or close-minded to your relatives and close friends. Save that boost of confidence for your work. You will be able to create more and grow creatively.


Your focus for the end of the year will be both your mental and physical health. Self-care will be important as you may want to step out of that spotlight you place yourself into. You will find comfort in family and friends and it will help you get over some of the challenges you faced this year. You will also focus on combining spiritual practices along with your diet. You are what you eat, right?


Putting in a little extra work at the office will pay off for you. This month, you will want to take the lead on many project and prove that you are more than capable. You will excel at work and your career will definitely get a boost that you most definitely deserve. If you are not seeing opportunity for yourself then step up and make one. Ask and you shall receive. You will be setting up to get promoted or even start your own project.

About Sonia Ana Ortiz:
Sonia Ortiz is American made with Cuban parts. She has been reading tarot for over 20 years. She is a licensed Reiki Practitioner, Bruja, and Graphic Designer. She is the mother of the #guapacat and #badgirlfrifri. You can follow her across all social media at @soniaaortiz.