Every month our resident bruja, Sonia, picks a tarot deck out of her collection and picks 12 cards from that correlate to each sign of the zodiac. This is #crushascope for November 2016.  


This is an incredible month for you Scorpio. You have invested your hard work and energy but you will be seeing the new result of that especially around the full moon (in Taurus) on the 14th. You will make room for a new venture or relationship as well. You have very little interest in the past and will only be looking forward. Don’t get caught up in the future. Your birthday month shines bright for you as long as you are present and willing to do the work.   


Sometimes it takes a village to get things done. A big push from that full moon on the 14th will be a catalyst to light the fire under you ass to get shit done. Do not hold back on asking like-minded friends to help you out where you need it. A big collaboration / group project is in the works for you this month. Being around supportive friends and co-workers will inspire you and wield obviously positive results. Put it out there to find individuals who inspire you.


Your sixth sense will be more attuned in November. Pay attention to your dreams as solutions will be offered through them. Others will take note as well so do not be shocked if find yourself being a rock for someone (or you will start your own support group). You will offer other worldly advice to those who seek it but also you will make more room to study the esoteric or perhaps will want to get into a yoga/meditation regimen. You will be oozing magic this month and others will notice.      


Self-care is key for you this month. You have had a good run being out and about and being the life of the party but you may find yourself wanting to do you. Treat yourself and make sure you are well rested. Read up on ways to stay healthy. You may also want to reorganize your space to suit your current needs. Whatever it is you end up doing remember to put your needs first this month. Spend more time taking care of yourself.   


You are on the verge of success. Take a risk. What is stopping you from taking the plunge? You are going to experience an uncomfortable shift but you will land on your feet. Feel free to explore your options and keep your plan to make moves to yourself. Once the moment is right go for it.


You want to reinvent yourself this month. Your home is a good area for you to start there. Practicing Feng Shui or good basic purge of your home is a good first step into allowing that renewal energy into your home. You’ve felt a bit tired or perhaps your energy is off. Doing the work in your home will be a gateway into manifesting on something bigger that will ensure victory.


This is not a time to be shy. You have a lot to say so find a platform to sound off on this month. Feel free to explore your creativity with your message too. The full moon falls under your sign this month on the 14th. It will boost your confidence and help you say those words that need to be said. You will have a lot of positive feedback and good advice to offer so please choose your message wisely.


“To thine own self be true.” Or in your case, selves. This is your motto for the month. Being honest with yourself and letting that shine through will attract all the right things you have been looking for. If you are in the midst of making changes make sure that you are doing them for the right reasons and not to make anyone else happy. Seeking the approval of others will only blow up in your face. The only person you need to answer to is you.


You have new and exciting things going on but you will be called back to reconnect with friends and family. 
You may have to step up to help your loved one. This may be a temporary setback for you in regards to goals but it won’t be too bad. You are already very family oriented so this comes to no surprise that you will be asked to help out where you can. Be a better listener and offer advice where you can. You have an opportunity to be the rock you know you can be.


You may feel as though you are at a stand still this month. You have been waiting for changes. You may need to exercise you patience and wait more. Timing isn’t exactly on your side but that doesn’t mean you have to be sad about it. Allow yourself to grow into a more wise and patient person. Also fee free to explore other solutions to solve your issue if you really cannot wait. Working hard and reaping the rewards is something you excel at.  


Take all your good work into account this month. You have a reputation for working hard and being the top expert at what you do. You will be sought out for your talents this month. A possible apprentice or student may want to learn from you as well so feel free to offer advice in regards to your craft. You have a good mix of honesty and compassion on your side that will make you the perfect teacher. It will also assist you in building a better reputation for being the of your trade.


Make peace with all the facets that make you Libra. Naturally be the gem you are meant to be. In order to that you have to accept the good, the bad, and the ugly. Your mood swings may set the tone for your relationships so breathe before you explode out of frustration. Things will settle down for you mid month and you will find yourself to be more at peace. Take things one moment at a time. It also doesn’t hurt to sage or burn palo santo around the home in order to clear negative energy that may be influencing you to lash out.

November’s #crushascope was conjured up using the Voyager Tarot.

This month’s artwork was painted by Hannah Lichtenstein. you can follow her work here

About Sonia Ana Ortiz:
Sonia Ortiz is American made with Cuban parts. She has been reading tarot for over 20 years. She is a licensed Reiki Practitioner, Bruja, and Graphic Designer. She is the mother of the #guapacat and #badgirlfrifri. You can follow her across all social media at @soniaaortiz and now at @soniaotarot too!