Got a Girl Crush On: Yumi Sakugawa’s “I Think I Am In Friend-Love With You”
Besides totally crush-applicable, this is adorable!

What’s friend-love? It’s that super-awesome bond you share with someone who makes you happy every time…

Got a Girl Crush On: Yumi Sakugawa’s “I Think I Am In Friend-Love With You”

Besides totally crush-applicable, this is adorable!

What’s friend-love? It’s that super-awesome bond you share with someone who makes you happy every time you text each other, or meet up for an epic outing. It’s not love-love. You don’t want to swap saliva; you want to swap favorite books. But it’s just as intense and just as amazing.

Check out more of Yumi’s adorable comics here or pick up a copy of her book here!

(via desertislandbrooklyn)

**EDIT: Check out Yumi in Brooklyn this Friday night at  DESERT ISLAND for the East Coast tour of I THINK I AM IN FRIEND-LOVE WITH YOU 

Desert Island
540 Metropolitan Ave
Brooklyn NY 11211