Illustration by Kati Vaughn

Illustration by Kati Vaughn

Every month our resident bruja, Sonia Ortiz, picks a tarot deck out of her collection and pulls 12 cards from that correlate to each sign of the zodiac. This is #crushascope for May 2017.

Good news! Mercury stations direct May 8! The bad news is, you can no longer blame backwards moving planets for everything. But what a relief it is. You can now sign contracts freely, start new endeavors, and probably proofread your e-mails less. This is also the 2nd year of Crushascopes and I just want to thank Meg and Amanda from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to keep doing what I do.        


Allow me to apologize in advance Taurus. I know the Tower is a crap card but consider this your month to experience a breakdown in order to breakthrough. You are known for being stubborn and rarely like to change your mind. You will be tested and things will not go out as you planned. Please do not be upset by this. You have a chance this month to really explore other solutions, hence why I followed that card up with a seven of cups. You have control over your destiny especially when things aren’t going according to plan.   


Expect for prosperous and happy things to happen this month! It’s been rough with all the planetary retrogrades wreaking havoc on career and love but this month will prove to ease up for you. The Ten of Pentacles promises work and stable income. You will be able to start saving up for whatever is your heart’s desire. Definitely be mindful of spending but know that things will generally improve for you quite soon and you will be able to achieve career and financial goals.   


Consider yourself a teacher this month. You will be in a spot to offer your knowledge of various topics and skills to those who are willing to be respectful of your craft. Things pick up for you a little too much so why not ask for an intern? In return, you can impart knowledge to someone who is willing to learn what you have mastered. Your moodiness may also play a big role here. Be more vocal about your feelings instead of grumbling or hiding your discomfort. Actions do speak louder than words but keep the peace by speaking up.


You may feel as though you are working two full time jobs this month. Although you are a master of the balancing act, you may find yourself having to readjust your schedule to fit one activity over the other. This is not permanent. This brief readjustment will help you re-prioritize your needs and you will come back stronger than ever. Just make sure you have a set schedule that includes time for you to rest.


This month may test your personal relationships . You may find yourself having to defend your actions from a group you may have personally outgrown. Although it is bittersweet, know that you are evolving and will be finding a support group of peers who will be behind you 100% to help you set goals and complete projects. People who do not fit your current lifestyle may feel hurt or heartbroken but this discomfort is only temporary.    


You will find yourself in a generous position this month. You will seek out people who need help. Volunteering, lending a friend in need money, or backing a startup will be the good karma you seek to round out everything that is happening in your life. Your generosity will not go unnoticed and think of this as an incentive to something nice in return as well.      


Personalize personal relationships this month. If you are paired off, this is a great month to take things to the next level. If you are single, get your swiping finger ready because it’s go time! You need to reconnect with people as you may have lost touch being way too internalized and goal oriented. Go out, have fun, and connect with people. It is finally warm out too. What are you waiting for?     


The Four of Wands has a strong focus on the home. But I am getting major self-care vibes from this card this month. Make sure you are working out and eating right. Take care of yourself. Plan a vacation if necessary. The main goal here is for you to start a meditation or workout regimen to  make you stronger and bring you inner peace. You may losing yourself in an excess of bad habits. Reign it in so you can enjoy more of life.


You sometimes find that you have to defend your talking points and views to the death but ultimately know that you are a boss. Time to put self- doubt away. May is a good time to shine and to believe in yourself and your abilities! You have a great opportunity to show people what you are actually capable of. The only issue is that you may have your own self-doubt to deal with. Be kind to yourself and remind yourself of all you have accomplished.   


New opportunities are coming your way. You are growing personally and your tastes are also changing. Why not seek out a hobby or project that compliments those changes? This new phase in your life you are entering is going to make you more active. You are feeling restless and taking up something that requires movement will be just the thing for you this month. Your sex life is also responding this need in more mobility too so expect more action this month than the usual.   


You are the most sensitive and psychic sign in the zodiac so things hit harder for you than most.
Let go of things from your past. You are aloof to excellent opportunities. Hanging on to the past and poor decisions is only going to hinder you. It is hard to get over betrayal and breakups. However, you can bounce right back if you just managed to practice some mindfulness and realize you have better thing waiting for you because you are in charge of your destiny. Even if you need a few days to yourself take them. Please do not linger in your emotion.


You are reviewing your standards for your aesthetic as well as the aesthetics of the people around you. Others may not be on the same page but do not let that hinder you. Focus on yourself first so that you may lead by example. You are looking deep into yourself for answers. Pay attention to your dreams as well because they will give you clarity and solutions you can bring into your day to day life. All this inner work as well as aesthetic re-vamp are just preparing you for the next phase of your career and life.  

May’s Taurus artwork was brought to you by artist Kati Vaughn. May’s #crushascope was conjured up using  The Dark Days Tarot Deck by Wren McMurdo. Really love the artwork on these cards so please check them out!

About Sonia Ana Ortiz
Sonia Ortiz is American made with Cuban parts. She has been reading tarot for 23 years. She is a licensed Reiki Practitioner, Bruja, and Graphic Designer. She is the mother of #guapacat and #badgirlfrifri. You can follow her across social media  @soniaotarot. You can also book a session with her by visiting