LOS ANGELES: THIS FRIDAY April 8th from 8-11pm


Check out this incredible group show + grrrl shoppe we are participating in!

I Didn’t Ask For This: A Lifetime of Dick Pics
The show is about dick pics as a social phenomenon. About the aggression and power the patriarchy imposes on a woman’s daily life, whether that be cat calls on her way home from work, leers at her chest at the grocery store or an unsolicited dick pic in her inbox. Curator Whitney Bell has collected several hundred dick pics (unsolicited only) and will be showing them interspersed with feminist prose, stats on street harassment and sexual violence, as well as snippets of the text convos/stories behind the dick pics.
These will be displayed in an exhibition that feels like the inside of my home. I want the viewer to feel as if they are in someone’s private safe space, like they’ve been welcomed in, but that even in this space they are unsafe. That even in this warm comfortable environment they are still bombarded by male dominance and aggression. That there is no escaping the patriarchy.